Star Gazing/Astronomy
Chiguru Farm is far enough from Bangalore that the night sky is unpolluted by city lights, this results in a very dark sky, that aid star gazers. Watching the dark sky on a moonless night is a sight to remember, and we city folks has lost the ability to enjoy the night sky. How often have you looked at the night sky and wondered about the glow of the milky way galaxy, did you see both Venus and Jupiter next to the moon in late 2015. How much of the children’s interest has been satiated by actually watching the Great Red Spot of Jupiter. Have you stayed up late to watch the leonid/geminid meteor showers or to watch the International Space Station, glide over the face of the Full Moon.
At Chiguru Farm, we are looking to provide an avenue for everyone to experience the night sky like never before. We conduct special tours around celestial events, that will require planning and reservation as we get specialists in the subject along with specialized high-end equipment for the same. On other days, you can peer through the star-gazing binoculars that we have and watch the cosmos in action.
We conducted our first-ever star-gazing event in 2016. Conducted by experienced star-gazers using state-of-the-art equipment, guests had the opportunity to take a close look at the heavenly objects like Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus and of course the Moon! We also had opportunity to view Andromeda Galaxy and some Nebulae. We have conducted many more such events ever since and more than 2000 people have participated till Nov 2023. A fun-filled learning event for kids and adults alike who stay awake most part of the night! Camping experience in a secure environment is a bonus which can get kids excited.
Guests also experience the farm stay in an organic farm, surrounded by birds and farm animals, with farm-fresh food.
Further such events will be published as and when planned.
We can also organize star-gazing events exclusively for groups of people.
If you are an astro-photographer, and you want a secure and secluded place for that, we offer affordable packages.